Manor Renewable Energy (MRE) Ltd will provide the full temporary power package of generators, personnel and vessels for E.ON during the turbine installation of the Arkona offshore wind farm.
Working out of the base Port of Mukran, MRE will utilise their own multi-purpose vessel, the Manor Venture, to lead their project scope; delivered in April 2017, with an onboard capacity of 40 tonnes and accommodation for 12 personnel, she arrived in Sassnitz after a successful campaign on the Galloper project in the UK.
MRE Director Toby Mead commented: “We have a strong track record of temporary power delivery on German offshore wind projects and with that, a huge amount of lessons learnt which we will implement into our offering with E.ON and the Arkona project; formed in 2013, we are still a relatively new company, but one that is growing at a controlled level and that control and experience we have gained allows us to add value, reduce project costs and get the job done with minimal impact to proximate scopes.”
Located in the Baltic Sea, 20 nautical miles northeast of the island of Rugen, the Arkona wind farm, jointly owned by E.ON and Equinor ASA, is due for completion in 2019.
Established in 2013, Portland based Manor Renewable Energy supplies temporary power solutions, vessels and engineering packages for the offshore wind industry.